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허리 벨트 Waist Support

허리 벨트 Waist Support

Regular price $90.00
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제품명 허리벨트
구분 고기능성 발명 특허 제품
효능 및 효과 미강셀레늄 제품은 셀레늄 특허 등 최첨단 발명특허공법에 의한 제조공법으로 게르마늄, 맥반석, 토르마린, 티타늄, 황토, 옥, 셀레늄 20여종의 광물질과 주요 미네랄인 철, 구리, 아연, 크롬, 망간, 셀레늄이 서로 상승작용을 일으켜 광물질과 에너지를 아주 많이 농축하고 있고 세탁 후에도 효능이 사라지지 않아 유해전자파 차단, 수맥파 차단, 비만 감량 등의 효과를 볼 수 있다. 섬유셀레늄은 신경통, 요통, 관절염, 근육통, 디스크 등에 탁월한 효과가 있어서 류마티즘, 관절염, 통풍의 부기를 가라앉혀주고 요산농도를 떨어뜨린다. 섬유셀레늄의 작용으로 인체의 체열이 상승하고 모세혈관이 확장돼 혈액순환이 촉진되고 신진대사가 활발해진다. 허리복대는 허리디스크·허리통증·갱년기증세·허리유연성강화와 생리통 이외에도 전립선비대·과민성대장증상·체중감량에 효과가 뛰어나다. 각 관절보호대는 신경통·관절염·류머티즘·무릎통증 등 시리고 저린데 효과가 크고, 손목밴드는 피로회복과 혈액순환을 도와준다. 셀레늄패드는 숙취회복·수면유도·성인병예방·피부미용·노화방지·체질개선 등에 효과적이다.

Product Name Waist Support
Classification High Functional Invention Patent Product
 Efficacy and Effect Rice bran selenium product is a manufacturing method based on the state-of-the-art invention patent method such as selenium patent, and it is made of  more than 20 kinds of  minerals such as germanium, elvan stone, tourmaline, titanium, ochre, jade, selenium and major minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese, Selenium synergizes with each other and concentrates a lot of minerals and energy, and its efficacy does not disappear even after washing,  so it can have effects such as blocking harmful electromagnetic waves, blocking water pulse waves, and reducing obesity. Fiber selenium has an excellent effect on neuralgia, back pain, arthritis, muscle pain,  discs, etc., reducing swelling in rheumatism, arthritis, and gout, and lowering uric acid levels. Under the action of fiber selenium, the body heat of the human body rises, capillaries expand, blood circulation is stimulated, and metabolism is active. The belly band is a herniated disc·Back pain·Menopausal Tax·In addition to strengthening back flexibility and menstrual cramps, prostate enlargement·Irritable bowel syndrome·It is very effective for weight loss. Each joint brace can be used to treat neuralgia·Arthritis·Rheumatism·It is highly effective for numbness such as knee pain,  and the wristband helps to recover from fatigue and improve blood circulation. Selenium pads are used for hangover recovery·Sleep induction·Prevention of Adult Diseases·Skin Care·Anti-aging·It is effective in improving the constitution.

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