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훼마틴 캡슐 Femartin 30 Cap.

훼마틴 캡슐 Femartin 30 Cap.

Regular price $48.00
Regular price Sale price $48.00
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제품명 훼마틴캡슐
구분 철분제
주성분 철단백추출물 등
규격 30C
성분 및 함량 1캡슐 중 철단백추출물 155 mg, 시아노코발라민 500 ㎍, 폴산 800 ㎍
효능 및 효과 철 결핍성 빈혈의 예방 및 치료
용법 및 용량 성인 및 12세 이상 1일 1회, 1캡슐 식후 복용

Femartin Capsule 30C 

Iron protein extract, etc.
Prevention and treatment of deficiency anemia
Natural iron protein extract. Liquid oral treatment with little gastrointestinal disorders and side effects.
The absorption rate is high. The effect is fast. Excellent drug compliance.
Excellent for treatment of anemia during pregnancy and lactation.

Easy to take once a day

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